Membership Confirmations

During last two days I received the conformations and membership numbers/certificates from the European Ros Club (#3634), the Natal Digital Group (#3644) and 30 Meter Digital Group (#9864). Thanks to all managers for reviewing my applications so quickly.

CQ WW DX Contest CW. 2018

This year we are preapring to the next Multi-Single operation at the contest station SO4M. I am proud to be a member of the Team (together with SP4MPG, SP4JCP, SQ4NR, SP5OXJ, SQ6MS and F5SDD). There is only one week to the contest.

Thanks to my Wife and Daughter who let me develop my HAM contest passion.

Digital Activity and Clubs

Last days I finally found some time to sort out some of my achievements. I am a great fun of digital modes. It started many years ago after a friend of mine, Marek SQ5BPM, built the first RTTY interface for our club station. Since that time I am operating on RTTY. I also started PSK31 as soon as it first time appeared. I have almost 14k QSO on digital modes in my log.

Finally last days I applied for membership in some digital clubs and applied for some digital awards. So I am a proud member of the EPC, DMC and FT8DMC. I am waiting for my membership in 30MDG, CDG and PK RVG Club. Apply to special interest clubs is so easy now. Also applying for awards is very simple thanks to special software (Ultimate AAC by DK5UR – Thanks!).